The most challenging project we have undertaken is the Dementia Crowd Research.
Our aim is to turn carers into researchers by educating them on the pathology and physiology of the brain.
Exciting times ahead!

Vibrocise reduces arthritis pain by combining the science of arthritis with the effective benefit of vibration exercise.
Our aim is to reduce your arthritis pain and allow you to resume normal activities.
Let us help you.

Breakthrough theory on autoimmunity in COVID-19. Sharing the concept of interaction between serum ACE-2 and the viral spike protein to trigger antibody production.
Want to learn more about this hypothesis and further research? Click on the link below to access the page.
CEO - Vejon Health
We are an innovative healthcare company focusing on niche medical conditions to find solutions.
Our main focus is on finding solutions for dementia which remains as one of the most devastating diseases internationally.
We are committed to researching and finding answers where there were none before.
Dementia Crowd Research. Share with us...
We want you to share your thoughts on dementia. It does not matter if you are a professional, carer, family member or just curious. Your input into understanding dementia and viewpoints from the public is still important.